Tutorial - Box with 4 drawers...
This is my DT-project for Unik Hobby last month, and I'll show you how to make it. :) This box is larger than the other one I've made, but the procedure it the same.
I warn you - this is a long post... ;)
I've colored the image with Promarkers. I've only tried this once, but hopefully practice makes perfect. *LOL*. I love this cute image of Sarah Kay.
On top of the box I've mounted a card (I got this idea from my good friend Lena Katrine), and it looks like this inside... To the right, I'm going to write a personal greeting to a good friend. I've decorated the insides with stamps from Stempelglede.

You need 4 pieces of cardstock, 6x6 inches.
You are going to paste these on both sides of the cardboards above.
You are going to paste these on both sides of the cardboards above.

Now we're going to make the drawers. I've used my Scor-Pal. It's so easy!!
This cardstock is 4 15/16 (length) x 4 2/16 (width) inches
Scor at 15/16 - 4 (length) and 15/16 - 3 3/16 (width).

Cut as shown below.

Add glue as shown below.

Fold the 4 corners, and your firs drawer is nearly finished...

I've mounted Tim Holtz Hitch Fasteners on each drawer.

This panel is 7 5/8 x 3 2/16 inches.
Scor at 1 - 3 2/8 - 4 5/16 - 6 5/8.

Fold and glue as shown below.

You need 4 of these.

We will now assemble the drawers on the bottom of the box.

The box is almost done! :)

Make a card for the top if you want to.
I've used brown Bazill and this beautiful patterned paper from KaiserCraft.
Remember to attach the ribbon before you paste the card on top of the box..

Papers: Cardboards, Bazill - green and brown, KaiserCraft - Duchess Empire, Promarkers - Cartridge Pads.
Stamps: Sarah Kay - Puppy Love, Stempelglede - Grunge Flourish and Min Venn, Norsk Stempelblad/Ett Trykk - Hjørnestempler.
Ink: Adirondack - Pitch Black, Promarkers.
Tools: Scor-Pal, Spellbinders - Nesing Labels 1 and Shapes Frame Classic.
Embellishments: Flowers, Leaves, TimHoltz Hitch Fasteners.
I hope you'll be able to make a box like this, using this Tutorial. If you do, please let me know so I can admire your work! :)
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Take care! :)
Hugs, Kirsten
177 kommentarer:
Hi there..
Gorgeous box!! I want to try and make this, although I haven't got a scorpal. Love the paper too.
Your boxes always look so beautiful..
Hejsan Kirsten!
Åhh, så fint och vad bra du visar, du är duktig på tutoriels:)
Jag tycker att det är lite knepigt att få till i dom där måtten; men ska nog prova.
Men gulligt blir det ju med dom där små knopparna till.
Har inte sett dom i Sverige:(
Och så har du testat Promaker, och det gick ju super.
motivet är så gulligt.
Önskar dig en härlig helg.
Ta hand om dig, Kram Camilla
Morning Kirsten,
your Box ist wonderful!!
The colours and the lovely details are beautiful..
The little stamp ist cute.
Thanks for the Tutorial.
That's great..
Have a nice weekend.
Takk for en fin forklaring på boksen, dette må jeg prøve.
Masse flotte bokser du har laget. Fargevalgene dine og alle detaljer er bare så fine.
Ha ei riktig go helg:)
Klem Hege
Kirsten this is utterly beautiful, must have a go. I have that Sarah Kay image and it is adorable, hugs Avril xxxx
Hei hei, denne boksen har jeg lyst til å prøve også!
Den var kjempe fin;-)
Stunning box, love how you decorated it so beautiful. Thanks for the tutorial. Anesha
Gorgeous box Kristen!! Now that you have up this WONDERFUL easy to follow tutorial I am going to have to make one. Thanks for all the extra time you have taken to do this!
hugs, janny
hvor er den æske bare super nydelig, lækkert pyntet og dejlige farver, tak for demonstrationen
For en flott tutorial du har laget! Dette må jeg forsøke!
Nydelig boks :)
Ha en flott helg!
NYDELIG boks! Og tusen takk for at du legger ut tutorial for den :D
Kjøper man pappen? og har du tips til hvor man kan kjøpe det?
Klem, Linda
Det er helt fantastisk!
Utrolig hvordan ting kan oppstå fra enkle skapninger så deilig.
Greetings from 'Italia
(E' assolutamente fantastico!!
Sorprendente come da semplici cose possomno nascere creazioni così deliziose.
Un saluto dall' Italia)
Thank you for tutorial!
I always wanted to make one but didn't know how!
Thank you again!
Your box look's sooo good!
(they all are)
Tusen takk for alle koselig kommentarer. Det varmer! :)
Linda: Pappen jeg bruker får du kjøpt hos Unik Hobby. Du klikker bare på linken i materiallista mi, eller på ordet "these" over det første bildet i Tutorialen.
Til orientering får man kjøpt alle materialene jeg har brukt hos Unik Hobby. Det skal være link til det aller meste. :)
Gleder meg til å se eskene deres etter hvert.... :)
Ha en strålende helg alle sammen.
Klemmer fra Kirsten
Åh, kjære vene, vennen! Noe så nydelig! Så lekkert, smekkert alt sammen! Og så har du t.o.m laget "fyrstikkeskene" selv - OMG! Og jeg må si, at jeg er imponert over fargeleggingen din med promarkers - trengs ikke mye øvelse her nei!
Må nok snart gå til anskaffelse av noen sånne - men skal prøve først, når du og Maya kommer på besøk ;) Åh, det skal bli så koselig!!
Ha en superfin helg, vennen!
Hils mann og barn! Go'klem
wow, den var nydelig, og for en flott og fin tutorial! Fikk skikkelig lyst å prøve! Så lurt med kort på toppen, da!!!
WOW, for en kanonlekkerboks!!! Og så vakkert fargelagt da, du er superflink!!!:)
Tusen takk for malen, skal prøve meg på denne:)
Håper alt står bra til med deg, ønsker deg en finfin helg!!!
Mange klemmer fra Lene:)
Så nydelig! Og så flott at du vil dele fremgangsmåten med oss andre :O)
WOW Kirsten, your box tutorial is amazing! :) And so beautiful work again. I just love your creations.
Thank you for sharing this tutorial with us :)
Have a lovely weekend :)
What a wonderful box! Great - thanks for the tutorial!
Many greetings
oh what a beautiful box it looks wonderful...great colours and deatils
many thanks for the great tutorial
Have a nice weekend
Genial Kirsten, si no te importa se lo diré a mis amigas para que visiten tu blog y lo vean, porque son espectaculares y sé que les va a gustar. Bss.
Hei vennen!
Så flott eske og detaljert og fin oppskrift. Jeg hadde nok jukset og brukt fyrstikkesker i stedet jeg da, men dette er jo håndlaget fra bunn til topp;) Promakerene har du allerede fått tak på ser jeg!!Nydelig kunstverk, gleder meg til å se den på Unik.
Ønsker deg ei god helg så sees vi på tirsdag! Hils gjengen hjemme!!!
Gode klemmer fra Anne
såååå nyyydelig!!! Tusen takk for oppskrift;D!! ha en fortsatt super helg!!
klem ida:o)!
Milde makaroni!!! *Dåne*
Noe så utrolig vakkert,Kirsten!!
Du er bare helt rååå på esker og den fargeleggingen din med Promarkers var bare så nyydelig!!
Flinka :)
Nå er det bare to uker til vi ses,og jeg gleder meg villt :)
Thanks for a fabulous tutorial Kirsten and what a beautiful box. I love making boxes and can't stop ever since I bought a Scorpal. I shall certainly be trying this one you've made it look so easy.
hugs Heather xx
Aldeles nydelig!!! Så utrolig flott at du legger ut "oppskriften" på denne!
såååååå utolig flot, 1000000 tak.
Ohhh wowwww beautiful box Kristen,i love the image and colours.
Hugs Riet.x
Hello Kirsten, I've been browsing your blog now for some time and I think all your work is so lovely, particularly your boxes. This one is so beautiful and the tutorial so very helpful- thank you so much for sharing.
Alice UK
This is gorgeous Kirsten. I made something very similar recently but I cheated and bought the matchboxes!!
Hei igjen:)
Vil bare takke for tips og kjempe koselig kommentar i bloggen min, tusen takk, jeg blir kjempe glad av slike fine kommentarer :)
Klem, Linda
Nok en nydelig eske fra deg Kirsten. Jeg har lenge hatt lyst til å lage en eske med skuffe, men nå blir det kanskje en med fire skuffer i stedet. :) Og for en lekker ramme til stempelet! Er også imponert over blomstersammensetningene dine. Jeg syns det er så vanskelig å sette sammen mange blomster så det ser naturlig ut...Helt nydelig! :)
For en nydelig eske! Og så smart å lage eskene selv (har haugevis med fyrstikker etter fjorårets kalender;)) Tusen takk for at du deler oppskriften med oss.
Can't wait to try this. Thank you so much for sharing. You're always so sweet!
Your box is gorgeous! I am posting one tomorrow. I did point people to your blog for your wonderful tutorial. Thank you so much. I had fun making it. Hugs, Dena
Hei Kirsten!
Vilken härlig ask du har gjort och tusen tack för att du visar oss hur du gjort den :)
Thanks for this great tutorial. The box looks so adorable...
Hugs, Kiki
so wonderful box ! I love your creations!
Elborgi from germany
Så nydelig eskekort. Trinn for trinnen var kjempebra. Kommer nok til å adoptere denne esken :)
Ha en fin dag.
Så GØY med en ny tutorial!!!! :) Gleder meg. Den er jo nyydelig!
Har du forresten noen tips til noe å lage til en mann??
Beautiful box Kirsten and great tutorial. I saw Dena's box and she said you had a great tutorial so I had to come for a look!
Kat x
FY FLAAAAATE!!!! Alle de lekre boksene du har lagd tar helt pusten fra meg :o) Du er bare et oppkomme av nydelige kreasjoner! Håper du har det flott og at du kommer på Skitreffet :o) Gleder meg masse til ei fantastisk morsom helg! Klem
Thank you so much Kirsten for this amazingly well done tutorial! I had such a fun time making one although it is not as spectacular as your box. Your work is wonderful!
Hugs Jeanette
This is amazing,
thank you so much for the tutorial,
Thank you for this tutorial.I love it.I love your blog very much.Hugs Namo
TACk för att delar med dig av denna fina låda.JAg har gjort en efter din förklaring. Detta var jätte kul kommer säkert flera inom snar framtid.
Du gör många dina saker som gärna vill testa någon gång TACK för att vi får var med och titta.
KRAM http://stinaslillakrypin.blogspot.com/2009/09/nu-ar-det-maka-och-make.html
Ein toller Workshop und die Schachtel ist
einfach traumhaft schön geworden.
Kirsten, this project is amazing. Thank you so very much for sharing it. I have had a good look at your blog, you are extremely talented. Love it.. xo Jackie
Hi Kirsten, Love your creations, truely beautiful. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous box with us. Hugs, Lily
Thank you very much for your tuto and for beautiful creations of your blog ! Scuse my english but i don't speak very well ! I'm french.
Why have you gone missing in action? ,) Need more! ')))
I've left something for you on my blog
This is a marvellous box, I made one but not as gorgeous as yours:) Thanks for sharing
Guriland Kirsten!! For en utrolig skjønn eske, også så lekkert pyntet!! Nydelig malt stempelmotiv og skjønne farger på alt sammen!
Du er nå bare så dyktig!!
Så koselig gjort av deg å dele oppskriften. Tusen takk!!
Klemmer fra Kari
Fabulous and totally inspiring!!
Hei på deg, du lager de nydeligste esker, denne var intet unntak. Klemz fra Moia.
Me encanta este trabajo, Kirsten, el tutorial está tan bien explicado y fotografiado que me voy a atrever a hacerlo, por eso te pido permiso para, NO COPIARLO, pero guiarme de tu tutorial e intentar hacerlo lo mejor posible. Desde luego no voy a hacer las gavetitas o cajoncitos, yo lo haré con cajas de cerillas recicladas, pero el modelo será como lo has hecho. Cuando lo ponga en el blog diré que es tomado de tu blog y lo citaré, si hay algun problema volveré aqui para ver si no quieres. Besitos.
Vakkert! Og så er du så flink til å legge ut forklaringer m. fotos. Vet at mange setter pris på det og bruker det! ha en fin dag Kirsten, klem!
For en flott tutorial! Denne skal jeg virkelig prøve:=)
Thank you so much for this beautiful tutorial.This little box is wonderfull.Bravo!!!
Kirsten, thanks for your wonderful tutorial. I love all the many pictures you've included. They helped me follow your instructions easily. If you're interested in seeing what I've made, I've posted it on my blog. Thanks again for sharing this.
Here's the box I made.
WOOOOW har du sett noe så flott av motiv,farger og ikke minst laget.Tusen takk for inspirasjonen og får at du viser hvordan man lager den.Jippi endelig har jeg fått i hus scor-pal med cm og jeg lurer på hva blir målene på esken du har laget da,for jeg ser du har skrevet inches?
Ha en fin dag.
Klem Fra Eva Helen
What a beautiful box and fantastic tutorial, Kirsten!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing this and inspiring us with your wonderful creations! I have made a mixed media one already and I'm delighted with the result. I would be very glad if you would have a minute to come and see it on my blog.
Hugs, Sanda xx
Jag älskar dina askar!!
Kanske försöker jag mig på en sådan en dag..
Kram, Erica
Wow, such a nice blog and wonderful works! =) I´ll be back! ;)
Have a nice weekend
Hugs Ulrica
What a great tutorial! I can't wait to try this, and I love your blog so I started following it. I'll be checking in again!
Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial with us. I can't wait to make a "Treasure" box for my little granddaughter! Love all your work!
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful tutorial with us, can't wait to make a "Treasure Box" for my granddaughter. Love all your work!
I'm french and I like. It's beautifull and thank you for your tutoriel box...
For det første: Du trenger ikke å øve så mye mer med promarkerne, det er allerede praktfullt farglagt og skjønner ikke at det går an å bli bedre.
For det andre: Esken din var alldeles nydelig!
Tusen takk for at du lager så mye flott du deler med oss!
En mycket snygg låda du hr gjort, detta måste jag prova! tack för att du delar med dig!! Ha en trevlig helg... ;o)
Ola Kirsten,meu nome é Keylla,sou Brasileira,adorei os seus trabalhos principalmente cartão de caixa,você é muito talentosa, meus parabéns.um abraço.
Hej vännen!
Jag har något till dig i min blogg därför att du förtjänar det i massor då du är en fantastisk skaparsjäl! ;)
Ha en fortsatt trevlig dag, kramar Ulrica
Nok engang et nydelig prosjekt fra deg. Takk for at du deler fremgangsmåten på esken/ kortet
very nice! Thank´s for sharing.
Dear Kirsten, i discover your blog with a lot of pleasure. You do so beautiful things ! Hope to you a lot of new creations :-)
Geweldig mooi!!!!!!!!!
XX Annette
Deine Schachteln sind einfach wundervoll.
This is gorgeous!!
Gonna have to have a go!
What an amazing tutorial, I am so glad I found your blog, thank you so much for sharing xx
Nydelig boks, Kirsten! Takk for tutorialen på den!
Hei på du....
Savnet deg på Ski-treffet...!!!...
Nå har jeg tatt en skikkelig runde i bloggen din, for det er en stund siden jeg gjorde...*klask-på-lanken*...
Jøjje meg så mye utrolig lekkert du har laget....*dån*. Du er jo en fineschmekker helt ut i fingertuppene.....Så delikate og nydelige kunstverk.
Og de eskene dine er jo et eget kapittel...nyyyyyyyyyyydelige..!!!....
stor klem
I discovered your blog and want to thank you for the wonderfull tutorial of the box that was in it I loooooove it
amazing, creative, wonderfully designed. LOVE THIS!!!!!
ooohhh thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial! I am definately going to give this a go today!
hugs mandyxx
Noe så nyyydelig, Kirsten.
Til stor inspirasjon og glede har du også vist oss hvordan du lager sånn vakker reasjon. Tusen takk!
KLem fra B.
WOW: Great tutorial Kirsten and I can't wait to try this out myself!
Thanks for sharing.
Bye for now,
Alex from England x
I came to your blog from another site where I saw a beautiful purple box like this one made and am so excited to see a tutorial for how to do it! I've put it on my list to do one soon. Your work is so beautiful. I'm adding you to my list!
Woow sier jeg bare!!... Nyydelig utført - kjempelekker eske!! Lenge siden jeg var innom her hos deg nå, men følte behovet for å kikke på det vakre du lager! Håper du har det riktig bra! Stor klem, Hege
This is so beutiful, what an amazing idea! Thanks for sharing ;-)
Herlighet så nydelig! Du lager så mye fint Kirsten, blir alltid så inspirert inne hos deg:) Hadde tenkt å hilse ordentlig på deg på Scraporama og takke for inspirasjon, har blant annet hatt kurs i butikken hvor jeg jobber med utgangspunkt i hjerteesken din, det ble kjempebra:)
Kanskje vi ses på Scraporama til våren;)
Your box is absolutely gorgeous! What a brilliant idea!
Thank you so much for sharing tutorial and inspiration!
Hej Kirsten! :D
Jag är överlycklig för att ha hittat din fina sida med så mycket vackra askar och kort :) Du är verkligen duktig :)
Ville prova på att göra den här asken fast i julig version och även jag har en scor-pal som jag aldrig använt. Min ser inte ut som din dock och jag är helt ovan vid att använda den. Jag klarade steg 1och 2 men när jag skall börja med scor-palen stötter jag på rejäl patrull. Har en sida som omvandlar inch-cm uppe samtidigt men jag kan inte ange siffrorna så som du skrivit dem för att få dem i cm,vilket jag tycker är mkt lättare när jag skall skära fram stl. Du har skrivit 4 15/16 inch. Hur menar du då?
Jättetacksam om du skulle vilja hjälpa mig svara på denna fråga. :)
TACK! Kram Louise från Sverige :)
This is so beautiful.. we have featured your link on our blog... The Freebie Gatherers
Thank you...x
Beautiful! I can't wait to try it, xox ~Jeni
Wow!! this is so beautiful, thanks for the fab tutorial.
xx Vee
Outstanding project!!! Beautiful work! Happy new year
wonderful idea! thank you for your tutorial :)
hugs from Poland
Lovely box! I can't wait to try Stampin' Up!'s matchbox sizzix die for this. Your embellishments are beautiful! Tammy in North Carolina USA
G'day Kirsten, what a stunning project, thank you very much for taking the time to make this wonderful tutorial, can't wait to give this a go, take care, AnnetteX:)
This is absolutely stunning, I found you through Tosh. Your box is over-the-top gorgeous! Thank you for sharing the template!
wow this is awesome..saw similar one from another blog and it led me here.. tfs this.. WILL make something like this (i hope i can lol!) and will link it to here :) thanks!!!
This box is fabulous! I am going to try making one for my SIL - her Valentine gifts will not be in until later (Tim Holtz stuff) but I think it would be fun to print off what I bought and put in each of the drawers with a little chocolate...
Hi Kirsten,
Just wanted to tell you that I stumbled across your blog the other day and saw the little boxes that you make and they are the cutest things I think I have ever seen. I made one last night if you'd like to look at it you can see it at "ascrappingdiva.blogspot.com". My measurements need a little work but it turned out so cute, I was quite proud of it, so much that now I don't want to give it to the person that I made it for, lol. Lovely, lovely boxes!!!
Liebe Kirsten,
eine super tolle Idee und ganz phantastisch umgesetz, was du da präsentiertst. Ich bedanke mich ganz herzlich bei dir für die tolle Anregung und die wunderbare Anleitung, mit der das Nacharbeiten ganz einfach war.
Viele liebe Grüße aus Deutschland
I love your work and I just love this project...and want to try it out...
Is there a printable version of this?
If so would you email it to me at
Thank you so much...
I tried your tutorial today, love it! Thanks for sharing this with us.
Hi Kirsten what a great box, i saw it at Kim, and i love it, i become your follower, what a great blog you have xx
Dear Kirsten
Thanks to Kim, I have found your blog and the instructions for this wonderful box. Thank you for sharing this great and very clear tutorial with us. I definitely have to give it a go. :-)
BIG hugs and have a nice day!
Thanks! The directions are very clear. I can't wait to make one!
This project is wonderful. I can't wait to do it. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
beautiful box and great tutorial thenkyou it was so easy to follow and i really enjoyed making one for a 30th birthday present
Hi, Kirsten. I have been enjoying navigating through your blog. I especially like the tutorial on the 4 drawer box. I hope you don't mind that I put a link to your blog on my Facebook page. I'm hoping to gather a few friends to sit around one evening to make one or more of your boxes.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks again,
Simply Breath taking. Thanks for sharing!!
I've been waiting to try this project..today i got Martha Stewards score board and I need help converting your score pal numbers to hers....any chance you can email the converstion numbers???
Thanks so much, Laura
super creative! love your box and your tutorial. thanks so much for sharing! i really need to invest in a scoring board! thanks again for sharing :)! *hugs* steph :)
Found a link to you on From my Craft room blog. Fantastic box tutorial, I love making boxes. I've become a follower. Thanks for sharing your talent. Hugs lin
Absolutely beautiful. Got a link from Norma's blog. Love the colours and image and thank you for the tutorial. May give it a try sometime. Donna
Hei, har tenkt å lage et slikt kort til en venninne, men sliter med å få målene rett. Kan du skrive målene til meg i cm? Hadde vært supert.
Super blogg!
Hilsen Kristina
Dear Kirsten
I have made this box 4 times now and love it, I do link back to your blog on the posts. I have changed the sizes a little bit on my boxes. I have been asked to do a tutorial and wondered if you would mind, I will of course say the original idea came from you and link back to this post,buit will use the sizes I have found work for me.
Hope this is OK and thank you for so much wionderful inspiration
Hugs Jacqui x
This is beautiful hun, saw it on Doreens blog and she has directed me here...really stunning..
Amazing work - thanks for the tutorial! x
This is just gorgeous!! Thank you for the tutorial!
So cute !! Thank you for sharing this tutorial, Leelou
Hi Kirsten, thank you so much for this useful tutorial. i made my first box with drawer with this tutorial!
In my blog you see my version!
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