28. november 2010

My "winners" are... ;)

As I told you in my previous post, I'll celebrate that I've passed 1.000 followers on my blog, by giving away a little something for 2 of my followers...
I made a list of all my followers, and used Random to choose the 2 numers... The "winners" are....

Nr. 652 on my list lives in Australia... :)

Nr. 794 on my list lives in Chicago....:)

I don't know if the two of you reading this post, but I will send you an e-mail anyhow... ;)

Have a wonderful week, and take care everyone!

Big hugs, Kirsten

5 kommentarer:

  1. winners congrats sweeties
    kirsten thanks for the chance hun
    hugs angelique

  2. Congratulations tot the Winners!

    Greetings from the Netherlands

  3. Wow Kirsten, what a sweet surprise!
    Thanks for always sharing your talent - and now this...
    Big hugs,

  4. Hi Kirsten. Sorry its taken me so long to get back to you. Please feel free to contact me at jmgwthomas@exemail.com.au

    Hugs xo Jackie


Så koselig at du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en kommentar her hos meg. Det setter jeg veldig stor pris på.
Ha en god dag!
Klem fra Kirsten


Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you will leave me a comment.
I really appreciate that.
Have a nice day!
Hugs, Kirsten